Education is all about creating an environment of acad- emic freedom, where bright minds meet, discover and learnSri D.N.R Govt. Degree College For Women is a Affiliated College located in behind Municipal Office location , Palakol area of West Godavari district in the State of Andhra Pradesh . Sri D.N.R Govt. Degree College For Women is located in RURAL area . The Sri D.N.R Govt. Degree College For Women is managed by State Government and was established in the year 1982 and got recognition in the year The academic session of our College starts in the month of July.
Our Sri D.N.R. Govt. Degree College For Women has many students studying in various classes with very well qualified faculty/teachers teaching them giving a healthy student pupil ratio. These teachers are able to provide innovative and practical teaching to our students. This helps in overall development of our students. To support our students and teachers Sri D.N.R. Govt. Degree College For Women also has a good Library which is open at convenient time for students. The library is well equipped with a good collection of books and other relevant study material.